Nano Brows Case Study: Fitzpatrick 2

In today’s case study, we are featuring the talented PMU artist Tiffany Chen, who specializes in Nano Brows and teaches this technique. She is the owner of Brow Beauté and has various PMU online courses.

Tiffany shares with us how she was able to create natural and beautiful results for her Fitzpatrick 2 client with pale skin and light brown hair.

Blonde client with mature skin before photo


My client has slightly sensitive skin and her skin is more on the mature side. Overall, she has great brow hair flow. It is very fluffy and grows upwards, which gives her a youthful look. She wants the hairs to look more even on both sides since one side of her hairs is less fluffy. very light skin tone with beautiful hazel eyes and silky straight strawberry blonde hair. 

My client wants a super natural result, where it looks like real eyebrow hairs and would like to create a bit more symmetry in the density of her hair growth. 

Her brow hairs are a bit more on the coarse side and pretty full already. Therefore, nano brows is the ideal technique for her since she just wants to add subtle fullness to her current brows and make them more symmetrical. 

Client's brows before nano brow procedure.

Brow Mapping:

Some of her hair growth was not symmetrical so I was just trying to get the shape even at first. Her right side, you can see she’s missing some hairs at the top area. Once we agreed on the shape by working together, I would do the pre-draw of the first pass strokes. I used a black wax pencil to brow map and complete the -draw.

Blonde client with mature skin brow mapping

Colour Choice:

For Fitzpatrick 2 skin types, I like using the brand - PMU Pigment. Here, I used Chocolate Brown and I mask with orange once I finished the whole procedure. This pigment line heals pretty ashy, so masking with the orange colour is critical. Even though it heals more on the ashy side, the ashiness works for her light brown brow hairs.


Nano Brows is the ideal technique to just add subtle fullness throughout her brows. The hair strokes will heal super soft and subtle to give her a very natural enhancement. Here is a photo of my strokes mid-way through the procedure. I have reinforced the first pass and added a few new strokes on the second pass. I followed her hair flow, which are continuous upward strokes. 

Blonde client with mature skin close up of nano strokes

Immediately After:

Healed Before Touch-Up:

As you can see, the lines healed super defined and I would say she has 80% retention, which is excellent. At the touch-up, we can elongate some lines and fill-in some areas that healed patchy. Because the colour looks great and soft, we will stick to the same colour as her initial appointment.

Immediately After Touch-Up:

All touched-up and her brows will last 1-3 years before she needs to come in for another touch-up! So beautiful and fluffy looking! Do you agree?

Technique: Nano Brows

Fitzpatrick: 2

Skin Type: Dry, mature, slightly sensitive

Pigments: PMU Pigment - Chocolate Brown

Machine: Vive PMU Machine

Needle: 0.25mm 1RL

Artist: Tiffany Chen 


Nano Brows Case Study: Fitzpatrick 3


Nano Brow Case Study : Asian Skin Type